
Edit Task: RetainAssignments


SCHED / EditTask '<TaskName>' RetainAssignments <Option>


The RetainAssignments attribute under EditTask is used to indicate that during this edit command, tasks should be retained when the resource formula is edited. If this task is a Recurring Parent Task, this will also allow you to keep assignments for the children of this task when editing any properties on the task.


Parameter Description

Possible values are True/False/Adjust

If the parameter is TRUE, then tasks will attempt to keep their current assignments after possibilities are recreated. This may result in violations if these assignments are no longer valid. Recurring tasks may have their assignments reassigned to different children, or may not be able to retain all assignments if there are not enough child tasks after the edit command is complete.

If the parameter is FALSE, then all assignments will be unassigned from tasks when their resource formulas are changed and possibilities are recreated, and if it is a Recurring task then all child task assignments will be unassigned if any edit is made. This is the default behavior.

If the parameter is ADJUST, it will be treated as TRUE, but additionally this command will attempt to adjust task assignments to fit within any altered timeslots. This may result in violations if altering these assignments causes resources to be utilized in an invalid manner.


Edit TaskA's Resource Formula while retaining assignments

SCHED / EditTask 'TaskA' RetainAssignments TRUE ResourceFormula '"res1" or "res2"'